Saturday, December 27, 2008

Family Goulash!

Goulash is a prominently Hungarian dish that has a stew-esque feel to it. Its both tasty and simple.

Backstory: I come from two very different cultures. This also somewhat explains the name. "The asian Schnitzel". Take your guess on the cultures :]. But this is a good family recipe that my father concieved of his own after trying multiple other recipes.


1.5 Onions, diced

2 cloves Garlic, diced

4.5 lbs Stew Beef

3 tbs Worcestershire sauce

¼ cup Flour

1 can Chicken Broth

3 Bay Leaves

2 tsp Paprika

1 tbs Red Wine

1 tbs Ketchup

2 lbs Egg Noodles

White Pepper, Black Pepper, Salt to taste.


Season Beef with Worcestershire sauce, peppers and salt. Dice onions and garlic. Fry Onions and garlic until brown. When brown, throw meat into pan until browned. After meat has been browned add flour, broth, bay leaves, paprika, red wine and ketchup. Let Goulash simmer in pot for 2-3 hours until meat is soft. Before eating cook the noodles. Serve Warm!

Sehr gut!

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